
From your ALT



By:Dorothy Le(リー・ドロシー)

■Hobbies are activities that bring enjoyment and fun, and since arriving in Nakagawa, I’ve embraced several new ones.
I joined Nakagawa’s pottery circle, Kendo group, and Taiko group, each offering its own unique challenges and rewards.
Pottery has been a serene escape; if my Saturdays are free, you’ll likely find me in the pottery room, hands deep in cool, soft clay. Kendo, on the other hand, has tested my martial arts strength in ways I hadn’t anticipated. Despite my 10 years of karate experience, Kendo sparring feels like a whole new world.
It’s hard not to flinch when a bamboo sword is coming at your head, but I’m learning to stand firm. Taiko, however,might be the hardest of all-being musically challenged doesn’t help when trying to keep up with the powerful rhythm of the drums. Yet, thanks to the patience and support of the members in all three groups, I’m enjoying all the activities. I’m determined to keep improving and continue doing my best!


Martial artists who smile before the start of a match are more likely to lose.



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