
冬の地震に備える Preparing for winter earthquakes(5)



■今のうちに冬の地震への対策を(What you can do now to prepare for winter earthquakes)
In addition to stocking up on food and water, it is also important to take measures specific to winter earthquakes. Here we will introduce measures to minimize damage from winter earthquakes.

▽〔対策〕ストーブ(Heater safety)
Use heaters with automatic earthquake-resistant fire-extinguishing functions and check their condition regularly. Also, do not place flammable items near the heater as they may catch fire if they come into contact with the device during shaking.

▽〔対策〕非常持ち出し品(Emergency supplies)
To be able to evacuate quickly, prepare a backpack containing the bare minimum you would need in an emergency; in winter, be sure to include extra cold weather gear. It’s a good idea to switch out the items you need each season.

▽〔対策〕家具(Securing furniture)
If someone is crushed by furniture that has fallen or shifted due to the shaking, or if an entrance or exit is blocked, they will be unable to evacuate, and the risk of losing their life to fire or hypothermia increases. In addition to using L-shaped metal fittings and other fall prevention devices to secure items to the walls and ceiling, make sure furniture is positioned in a way that will not impede evacuation.

詳細(Details):危機管理課(Emergency Management Section)


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