外国市民のための主な情報は、市ホームページ【HP】 https://www.city.ageo.lg.jp/page/multilingual.html「Multilingual(多言語情報))」を利用してください。
■English 英語
◇Year-End and New Year holidays
[City Hall]
Ageo City Hall and its branch offices will be closed from December 29 (Fri) through January 3 (Wed). During this period, notification of changes, such as marriage, divorce, birth and death, will be accepted at the“ Kyujitsu-yakan-uketsuke / Holiday・Evening Reception” which is located at the north entrance of City Hall. → Tel 775-5111 /Fax 775-9819
[Medical Care]
If you have symptoms such as a fever, coughs, nausea and diarrhea, please be sure to contact the clinic in advance.
Pediatrics・Internal Medicine・Surgery
Where: Heijitsu-Yakan oyobi Kyujitsu Kyukan Shinryojo / Weekday Evening and Holiday Emergency Case Clinic(Midorigaoka 2-1-27, Higashi Hoken Center/ East Public Health Center 3F). When:December 30 (Sat)~January 3 (Wed).Reception hours: 9:00~11:30 a.m., 1:00~3:30 p.m. *At this clinic, only temporary treatment will be given for emergency cases; medical treatment of chronic illnesses or thorough examinations will not be provided. Furthermore, medication for only the minimum number of days will be prescribed. → Tel 774-2661 / Fax772-1353
On-duty dentists provide medical treatment from December 30 (Sat) through January 3 (Wed). Hours: 10:00 a.m.~noon *For details about dentists on duty, please refer to the December issue of Hello Corner News (included in “Multilingual” on the city website https://www.city.ageo.lg.jp/ )
◇For more information
Please contact Shimin-kyodo-suishin-ka (in English or Japanese) at 775-4597 (Fax 775-0007) or “Hello Corner”(counseling service for non-Japanese residents in English) held on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Mondays, as well as the 4th Saturday of every month, 9:00 a.m.~ noon. Hello Corner publishes a monthly newsletter called “Hello Corner News” to inform non-Japanese residents of events in Ageo and tips on living in the city. It is posted on Ageo City website.