
Highlights(ハイライツ) 外国語情報コーナー





◇Ageo World Fair 2024
The “Ageo World Fair 2024,” with participation of some 20 countries and areas, will be held at Ageo Fuji-Juken Hall (Bunka Center) on October 6 (Sun).We are currently recruiting individuals and organizations who would like to participate in this event. Application: contact the Ageo Global Association (AGA) Secretariat by FAX or email. Application deadline: August 30 (Fri) for those who would like to present their home countries by hosting a booth, make a speech in Japanese, or demonstrate international cultures through play at Kids’ Spot and so on. September 27 (Fri) for those who would like to organize it as volunteer staff . → AGA Secretariat Tel. 780-2468 /Fax 775-0007 office@aga-world.com

◇Measles and Rubella Vaccinations
The regular vaccination period for the measles and rubella combined vaccine
(Part 2) begins on April 1 of the year before entering elementary school and ends on March 31 of the following year. If eligible children miss this period, they won’t be able to get this vaccine as a routine vaccination and a vaccination fee will be charged. In addition, they will not receive any compensation based on the Vaccination Act even if they should suffer health problems due to the vaccination. Eligible children are encouraged to get vaccinated early but only when they are in good health. When: until March 31, 2025. Eligibility: Children born between April 2, 2018 and April 1, 2019. What to bring: Maternal and Child Health Handbook, medical questionnaires, and official documentation that verifies child’s name, date of birth and address (e.g., their My-Number Card or Health Insurance Card). Application: please contact the designated medical institution. For more information, please refer to the Health Calendar. → Higashi Hoken Center  Tel. 774-1414 /Fax 774-8188

◇For more information
Please contact Shimin-kyodo-suishin-ka (in English or Japanese) at 775-4597 (FAX 775-0007) or “Hello Corner” (counseling service for non-Japanese residents in English) held on every Monday (excluding national holidays and days that the City Hall is closed), 9:00 a.m. ~ noon. Hello Corner publishes a monthly newsletter called “Hello Corner News” to inform non-Japanese residents of events in Ageo and tips on living in the city. It is posted on Ageo City website.


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