



Hello everyone!
I hope you have all been enjoying this beautiful, but hot summer. I myself have been trying to hide in every building to prevent my skin from burning. With summer being in full swing however I wanted to try and travel around a little more.
When I was little, summer was a time of camping. There is a lake in Edmonton called Gull lake, where I spent many summers with friends and family relaxing. I still remember going there with my friend Josh and sitting out too long in the sun. I received an incredibly bad sunburn where I couldn’t sleep on my back, hence my desire to stay out of the sun.
高橋先生 took me on a trip the other day when I asked her about 弓道. We went to a dojo and I had the honor of firing a Yumi, they are incredibly large and that surprised me a little. It was a wonderful time, even though my aim was terrible. Thank you for taking me 高橋先生. I will be traveling in August. I look forward to talking about that! Lastly, I would like to introduce a song for the kids, “Schools Out” By Alice Cooper. This song was made with the theme of summer vacation, so please listen to it with the Japanese translation!



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