
ALT BTS(Beyond the story)




[What made me want to study Japanese]

At the end of November I participated in a training session that brought together all the foreign language teaching assistants in Ehime Prefecture. In this training session I was asked to lead a discussion on “How to improve children’s motivation when learning English. ”So this time, I thought it might be interesting for people studying other languages to hear about what made me want to study Japanese.

I started studying Japanese in earnest about 8 years ago after choosing Japanese as a minor in college. However, my interest in Japan started in elementary school. Japanese anime and manga became popular in America in the 90’s, and I loved them. I grew up watching Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Yuyu Hakusho (This was also the first manga I bought), Inuyasya, and many other shows from Japan. I even read Shounen Jump every month.

In college I decided the best way to learn a language is to put yourself in an environment where it’s used all the time. Living in Japan I have to use it everyday. Although I make a lot of mistakes, I sincerely hope that I will be able to master Japanese by continuing to learn and improve. That’s why I talk to everyone in town, and teach English to children at school. I enjoy teaching them and playing with them because I think it’s all a learning experience. Currently, I am studying for the JLPT N2. I am studying hard at home to pass the exam.

I want to be so good that one day I can do anything I need to in Japan on my own. I think in time I will live in Japan for the rest of my life.






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