
ALTダリルの英語であれこれ 第8回



■Where to go this summer break?
I have been planning since last year on where to spend my summer vacation this year. I initially thought of visiting my cousins in Ibaraki and Tochigi. However, they told me that they are going to go home to the Philippines this August. So, I contemplated to see if I could also go home after a year of working here in Japan.
Suddenly, I realized that my father’s birthday is in August. Going home this month would be timely and perfect. Celebrating birthday in the Philippines is one of a kind. It’s like a mini festival where everyone is so happy and sometimes loud. I don’t want to miss this opportunity to be with my family and relatives in such a wonderful occasion.
On the other hand, I don’t want to miss the amazing summer experience in Japan as well. I know it’s going to be really hot here. But I heard that it’s also going to be fun and exciting. So, I’m thinking of maybe dividing my vacation days so I can enjoy both summer here and in my home country. I still have a few weeks to figure this out. Anyway, it’s always interesting to plan a vacation during summer.
What are your plans this summer break? Where do you want to go? Hope everyone will have a good summer vacation. Enjoy!



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