■Barranquilla’s Carnival(バランキージャのカーニバル)
外国語指導助手 アレクサンドラ先生
Dear Showa Village’s residents, I would like to tell you about Barranquilla’s Carnival.
I’ve lived in Canada for the most part of my life, but I was born in Colombia.
The region I come from is “La costa” which translate in English as “the coast” because it is bordered by the Caribbean Ocean.
So, it has a very warm climate all year long and there is music everywhere you go.
People are warm and very laid-back, and the food is typical of Caribbean gastronomy, so we have a lot of seafood, fish and fried dishes.
That is probably why as a foreigner in Japan people are often surprised that I like all types of seafood. So, I was born in Barranquilla, the place where The Carnival of Barranquilla is held.
This carnival it’s a folkloric and cultural event celebrating the mix of different cultures in the Caribbean coast of Colombia.
It was an opportunity for the different ethnicities living all along the coast to express and celebrate a part of their traditions, dances, music, and traditional attires with each other.
It is held during the 2nd week of February.
Now millions of people around the world travel to Barranquilla every year to be delighted with the food, the different festivals and colourful processions on the street and the lively atmosphere.
I invite you all to look on the internet videos of The Carnival of Barranquilla.
I promise you;you will enjoy it!
Until next time.
私の出身地はカリブ海に面しているので、英語では” ラ・コスタ” つまり” 海岸” と言われています。
海岸沿いに住むさまざまな民族が、各々のダンス、音楽、民族衣装などを表現して祝う機会で、2 月の第2 週に開催されます。