
アレクサンドラ先生の小噺(Alexandra Short Story) #7



■My dog Logan(私の愛犬ローガン)
外国語指導助手 アレクサンドラ先生

Dear Showa Village residents, it has been a pleasure to share my stories with you. I have received many comments and questions and that makes me very happy!
Today, I want to introduce you to my dog.
In Canada, a lot of people see their dogs as their children. Dogs are allowed in open spaces, national parcs and some public places like museums and coffee shops. so, our dog’s policies allow dog owners to bring our pets to a lot of places which is very convenient. I got my dog when he was 2 months old in 2017. His name is Logan, like “Wolverine” from the X-men movies.
He’s a Husky, he wears a black and White fur with beautiful blue eyes. Since he was a puppy, I liked to socialize him with people and other dogs. Therefore, he is very used to people and loves to be the center of attention.
I love going hiking with him. He is a great partner to hike with! He likes leading the way, so I used to train him to do dog sledding. It was fun and dangerous at times! Just before coming here, I was trying to pair him with one of his husky friends so they could pull the sled together, but I could not continue the training. He is truly the baby of the family, and we all love him very much. I hope I can bring him to Showa one day so you can all meet him and maybe continue his training here.
On the left you have a picture of him on his 3rd birthday. We ate cake and celebrated with his female best friend, a French-Bulldog.
Until next time!



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