
【コナーのコーナー No.13】ハロウィン




Hello everyone! This is your ALT Conner!

October is one of my favorite times of the year. I have fond memories of Autumn days in Germany; I remember walking by the forest on the way to school, watching the changing leaves, and playing with the falling maple seeds.
As the weather became milder, I would spend more time outside on walks with my family. However, as the days grew shorter, the nights would also become a little… spooky

Just in time for Halloween! While Halloween is celebrated some places in Japan, Halloween is celebrated in many places in Germany and almost everywhere in America. Every year, I always looked forward to going “trick or treating”with my family and friends. I would bring a big bucket, shaped like a pumpkin, and walk door-to-door asking for treats.
My favorite treats were scary gummy candies, like gummy spiders and gummy eyeballs.

Unfortunately, people usually do not go trick or treating when they become adults. However, people of all ages can enjoy dressing up in costumes. I was lucky that my friends were very passionate about dressing up. Every year, my friends would take a lot of time to buy or make a costume from scratch. As for me, I always dressed up in basic costumes. Usually, I would forget until the last week and create a costume with clothes from my closet. When I had shorter hair, my go-to costume was the Belgian comic character, TinTin.

I imagine that Imabetsu does not have many Halloween celebrations. Still, if you are interested, I recommend easy ways to enjoy the holiday, such as watching scary movies or eating delicious candy.

I would also like to finish today’s article with a brief announcement from English Conversation Class. This month, we will meet on the 10th and 22nd. Please join us in the room next to the town hall for a lesson on the 10th and a spooky movie on the 22nd.


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