
【コナーのコーナー No.15】サンクスギビング




Hello everyone! This is your ALT Conner!

I hope you had a good November. I started the month expecting to relax. However, while I did have some time to relax, I still found ways to keep myself busy. On top of the semi-monthly English Conversation Class, I hosted a game event for the first time. It was fun seeing Imabetsu’s students compete in a friendly environment; hearing everyone cheer for the winner was exhilarating.

I also participated in some events outside of Imabetsu. I went apple picking with a group of friends in Hirosaki Apple Park and saw the beautiful Autumn leaves of Momijiyama in Kuroishi. I even visitedFukaura for the first time; the Shirakami Resort train is amazing! As I write this article, I am preparing to
celebrate American Thanksgiving. The holiday is on the 28th, but I will be celebrating on the 30th.
ALTs from Aomori Prefecture will come together in Aomori City to bring and enjoy delicious food together; I hope to make a delicious macaroni and cheese!

As the snow falls, I’m getting excited for December. I will be returning to Germany to spend Christmas with my family. Not only will it be my first Christmas with my brother since living in Japan, it will be my first Christmas with my grandmother. Even as Imabetsu grows cold, I hope you all stay warm and have a nice winter holiday.

I will end today’s article with a brief announcement from English Conversation Class. This month, we will meet on December 5th and 17th. Please join us in the room next to the town hall for a lesson on the 5th and a cheerful Winter movie on the 17th.


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