◇My Parents came to visit Hidaka-mura !
My parents landed in Tokyo on the 28th of March and arrived in Kochi prefecture on the 5th of April. I was so excited to meet them at the airport, it was the longest time that I hadn’ t seen them for(8 months!). I looked forward to showing them my beautiful village that I now live in!
I think for a lot of children living far away from their families, there is a heavy responsibility to show family back in your home country/town that you have adapted well to your new home! My parents had never been to Japan and I wanted to show them everything that I love about Hidaka-mura! Omurice, and delicious tomatoes, walking along the Kusaka river and saying hello to my neighbours! We explored the natural beauty that is Kochi Prefecture. I am proud to share these experiences with my family.
If you saw a lady with long blonde hair and a man with black hair and a large black beard you probably saw my parents, they looked very striking here in Japan!
◇Introduce our new ALT! 新しく着任したALTを紹介します。
タグチ・アダム・クレグ・ワタル(TAGUCHI ADAM CRAIG WATARU)カナダ出身