
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’ s Panel」



Kamusta! How was February? Did you receive flowers and chocolates? I hope everyone had a good Valentine’ s Day. We’ ve now finished the second month of the year. Time flies so fast! Filipino food is becoming more and more popular in the West. Some of my friends from different parts of the world have asked me Filipinos recipes to try. They also asked me how Filipinos eat. We usually eat using spoon and fork. But sometimes we eat with our hands. When I told them about this, they
were all surprised. This is what I’ m going to talk about for this month. I’ ll tell you how and why Filipinos eat using only their hands. When hundreds of Filipinos migrated to the US in the 70s, they brought this style of eating with them. This is known as “kamay an” , which means “by hand” .
Groups of soldiers would gather to wash their hands before eati ng a huge spread of food. Eating using only your hands symbolizes brotherhood and companionship. To get the kamayan started, layers of giant green banana leaves cover a long table to create a serving surface for the food. Filipino dishes are then lined up to be enjoyed by all people. To eat with your hands, you scoop a spoon-sized amount of food using your five fingers.
To eat the food, push it to the end of your four fingers using y our thumb. It’ s a good way to get closer to people and form strong connections with them.




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