
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’ s Panel」



●Street Food
Kamusta! May has just ended! Time flies faster than I can realize. It’ s only been a month since I came back from the Philippines and I already miss it! One of the things I miss about my country is the street food. This will be out topic for this month. I’ d like to talk about the culture of street food in the Philippines. Street foods in the Philippines are very acces sible as they are everywhere. I’ m going to talk about two of my favorite street foods in my count ry. First is the kwek-kwek.
Kwek-kwek is a well-loved food in my country. A boiled quail eg g is covered in an orange batter made of flour and cornstarch, and it is deep-fried until it is p erfectly crispy. The inside of the soft-boiled eggs is accompanied by a crunchy batter. There are two kinds of sauces for the kwek-kwek: the spicy vinegar, and the sweet sauce. In the Phili ppines, one of the most acquired tastes in food is sourness, so it is more often paired up with the spicy vinegar sauce. The second street food I’ d like to talk about is the turon. The Filipino dessert turon i s typically consumed in the afternoon.
Encased in a crisp spring roll, caramelized and deep-fried to p erfection, are ripe bananas and jackfruit. It is a delicious street food that combines elements of Spanish and Filipino cuisine.




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