Hello Gojome Town, recently, I went to a “Thanksgiving Dinner”. Thanksgiving remembers the first autumn meal shared between British settlers in America, and native Americans in the year 1621. It is a time for celebrating, sharing food and having gratitude.
The event was organized by an American ALT. Thanksgiving is a very big American holiday at the end of November. Some of my American ALT friends told me that in America, Thanksgiving is a bigger holiday than Christmas!
Because I am from the UK, I have never experienced a Thanksgiving dinner before. Everyone brought food to the party, and we all said one thing we are thankful for this year. It was a lot of fun to share this experience with Japanese, British, Australian, Chinese and American friends. I hope everyone in the town had a wonderful Christmas time, and a good new year.
Let’s all have a healthy and fun 2024!
五城目の皆さんは、素敵なクリスマスと新年を過ごされたことだろうと思います。 2024年は、健康で楽しい1年にしましょう!
■Zoe Fell(ゾーイ・フェル)