
ダリンandマギーのALT通信 file.75



This article written by Mr.Darin

Aloha Nakatombetsu!
In 5th grade, my students have learned how to introduce themselves in English and learned how to spell their names in English. Most of my students have it easy, as they can spell their names just as they have learned writing in Romaji. However, I have one student whose name is spelled a different way than they have learned in Romaji.
For example, let’s call this student Jiro. Jiro learned to spell his name J-I-R-O-U in Romaji. But, in English, we spell it J-I-R-O, without the U. Jiro asked me why he doesn’t write the “U” in his name. In English, the vowels have more sounds than those of the Japanese vowels. Therefore, in English, the letter “O” sometimes has the “OU” sound in Japanese. Writing Jiro as J-I-R-O-U just adds one unnecessary letter to the pronunciation of the name. How do you spell your name? My name is Darin, D-A-R-I-N. Darin. It’s nice to meet you all!

例えば、この生徒を「ジロウ」と呼びましょう。ジロウは自分の名前をローマ字で「J-I-R-O-U」と綴ることを学びました。しかし、英語では「J-I-R-O」と綴ります。ジロウはなぜ名前に「U」を書かないのかと私に尋ねます。英語では、日本語の母音より英語の母音の方は発音が多いです。そのため、英語では「O」という文字に日本語で「O-U」という発音がすることがあります。ジロウをJ-I-R-O-Uと書くことは、名前の発音に不要な文字を一つ加えるだけです。皆さんのお名前は、英語でどう書くのですか。My name is Darin,D-A-R-I-N.Darin。よろしくお願いします!


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