



Hello Everyone!
I’m so excited for spring to fi nally be here! I absolutely love all of the fl owers that come with spring. One of my favorite sayings for this time of year is ‘April showers bring May fl owers’. In America, April tends to be a very rainy month, but it always leads to many fl owers blooming in May.

I’m very excited to see cherry blossoms in Japan for the fi rst time. I hope to have a picnic soon in order to enjoy Hanami. In Washington D.C. there are many cherry blossom trees that were given by Japan to America. I’ve only seen them once but they were beautiful! There is also a cherry blossom festival there every spring to commemorate the friendship between Japan and America.

May is my favorite month of the year! Not only is it fi lled with beautiful fl owers, but my birthday is in May. I will be 25 this year and I am excited for the future. Spring is a time of change and growth. Plants are blooming and animals have come out of hibernation. Many people do spring cleaning during April and May in order to refresh their houses from the winter months. I hope you all have a wonderful spring!



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