
HELLO! Amy (エイミーです!)



Hello everyone! It’s fi nally the start of fall! I’m very excited to be out of the heat! I absolutely love fall and I’m excited to enjoy another fall season in Japan. Every year in America during this time of year, my family and I usually go apple picking and we get apple cider and fresh apple donuts. There’s a fresh donut shop in my town that’s only open in the fall. The donuts are so delicious that there’s always a line all the way around the building outside before the store even opens. Last year I was able to fi gure out how to make homemade American style apple cider with apples, oranges, cinnamon and a few other spices. This year, I want to learn how to make apple donuts using apple cider.

Around this time in America there are many harvest festivals and farmers markets. Usually there are many food and craft stalls set up as well as festival games, just like in Japan. I always accidentally buy too much from all the different craft stalls that are set up. I’m very excited to go to the mushroom festival in Aibetsu this month. I absolutely love the mushroom soup from the huge pot.I hope you all have a wonderful fall!



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