



文・訳 チー・エンジャ


Have you ever heard of Kondo Marie, also known as KonMari? She a popular“ Tidiying Consultant” overseas. She shares tips on cleaning and organising one’s home and has a reality show where she guides participants in tidying up their messy homes. She often asks participants if something“ sparks joy”. If it does, they keep it. If not, they get rid of it.
When I first heard of it, I thought that this“ method” was really interesting. But I quickly realised that it does not work very well for me since I try to buy only things that are useful and tend to use them until they’re completely unrepairable. “Will I still use it” works better for me.
Some might think that I’m unsentimental, to only consider the usefulness of something, but for someone like me who lives a‘ rental life’ and is not the neatest person around, having an attachment to things is a terrible idea. When I first moved to Minamiboso City, I knew that I would have to move away sooner or later and promised myself that I would stick to the bare minimum. However, I was careless and now have too many things – especially books.
I cleared out my apartment once in spring but looking at my apartment now, I can only sigh at my own lack of self-control. Time to set up the ‘throw’, ‘give’, ‘keep’ boxes.


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