
Highlights(ハイライト) 外国語情報コーナー




◆English 英語

◇Provision of Assistance for Educational Expenses before Entering Schools
While assistance for educational expenses is usually provided during the school year, assistance for school supplies exclusively for new 1st and 7thgraders will be provided before school begins (around the end of February).New 1st graders: Assistance is available to parents/guardians living in Ageo as of February 1 (Thu), 2024, whose children will enter a city-run elementary school in April, 2024, and who have difficulty in paying for school supplies. New 7thgraders: Assistance is available to parents/guardians living in Ageo as of February1, 2024, who received assistance for educational expenses for the schoolyear of 2023, and whose children will enter either city-run, national, or prefectural junior high school, in April, 2024. →Gakumu-ka Tel 775-9604/Fax 775-5633

◇Ageo Sangyo Sai(Ageo Industry Festival)
When: November 11 (Sat) and 12 (Sun)10:00 a.m. ~ 3:30 p.m. Where: City Gym, Yurigaoka Park and Ario Ageo(Flea market). Program: ”Ageo SangyoSai” consists of Agri Festa, Ageo Kogyo Fair and Ageo Matsuri. This festival will feature locally produced items and various events. → Shoko-ka Tel 777-4441 /Fax 775-5024 Nosei-ka Tel 775-7384 /Fax 775-9872 Ageoshi Kanko-kyokai Tel775-5917 / Fax 775-5024

◇Kurashi Festa Ageo Shohiseikatsu-ten(Living Festa Ageo Consumers’ Affairs Exhibition)
When: November 25 (Sat) and 26 (Sun)10:30 a.m. ~ 4:00 p.m. (Outdoor events and sale of goods will end around 3:30p.m.). Where: Ario Ageo. Program: Panel exhibition of useful life information, a quiz rally, hands-on experience section, selling of handmade products, etc. →Shohi Seikatsu center Tel 775-0800 /Fax 776-4600

◇For more information
Please contact Shimin-kyodo-suishin-ka(in English or Japanese) at 775-4597(Fax 775-0007) or “Hello Corner”(counseling service for non-Japanese residents in English) held on the 1st, 2nd,3rd, and 5th Mondays, as well as the 4thSaturday of every month, 9:00 a.m. ~noon. Hello Corner publishes a monthly newsletter called “Hello Corner News” to inform non-Japanese residents of events in Ageo and tips on living in the city. It is posted on Ageo City website.


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