
Letter from ALT





Hello! My name is Christina Streitz, and I am an ALT at Tamana Jr. High, Nameishi Elementary School, and Tsukiyama Elementary School. One of my favorite thingsis musicals! America is known as the birthplace of the modern musical, where Broadway is the start of classics such as “Cats” and “Phantom of the Opera”. Besides professional musicals on Broadway, it is very common for regular peopleto participate in what’s called community theater. Community theater is where a group of non-paid, non-professional actors come together to practice and perform a musical for their local community. It is welcome to people of all ages, from small children to grandparents. Even if you don’t know how to dance or sing, community theater is open for anyone to do.
I myself started doing community theater when I was a 5th grade elementary schooler. I was part of a group that put on shows at a church, called Messiah Fine Arts. I love performing, and I enjoyed having an after school activity. It was a great way to make friends and be connected in the community, and it was very good for my confidence and ability to talk in front of other people.  I believe community theater is very good for growing as a person. I hope it’s an idea that can come to Japan!



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