
国際交流掲示板(International exchange information)




In whispers, Nomi City painted happiness on my life’s canvas.
Hi, I’m Sameer from India, and I’ve been residing in Nomi city for about two years. Initially, adapting to this new environment, especially the language barrier, was quite challenging after my arrival here. However,a turning point came when a friend introduced me to free Japanese classes offered by NIEA. Enrolling in these classes brought a significant change in my life and experiences here.
One of the remarkable aspects I love about Nomi City is its serene atmosphere, coupled with the esteemed presence and guidance of its elderly residents. These elders play a crucial role in educating the younger generation about the cultural heritage and instilling values of respect, discipline, and the importance of traditions.Engaging actively in diverse community events, teaching at local schools, spending time with the elderly in nearby villages, participating in beach cleanups, and cultural exchanges have provided me with a profound insight into the heart of this city.
The hardworking, kind, and welcoming nature of the people, alongside the breathtaking beauty of the mountains,has made my experience truly remarkable. Living so close to such a beautiful nature has been a new experiencefor me. Reflecting on my time here, Nomi City created many special memories for me. The city’s warmth, the invaluable guidance from my Japanese teacher, and the continuous support from NIEA have significantly impacted my journey, reaffirming Nomi City as a place that embodies warmth, inclusivity, and celebrates cultural diversity.



〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2丁目9番11号 オリックス赤坂2丁目ビル

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