
国際交流掲示板(International exchange information)



Hi there! My name is Abigail Iglesias. Last year, I came from America to Japan to teach English. I was a teacher in Michigan but teaching in Nomi is entirely different in some ways. While in my previous job I taught other languages, we always spoke in English. Speaking in Japanese all day was a surprise for me!
Because of this, simple tasks turned into scary challenges! These challenges turned into chances to connect with new people.
There are different communities of people here. Even though we are in the country,people are still interested in other cultures of the world. I’ve met Japanese people who love Capoeira. They also speak Portuguese. I’ve met teachers who have lived in South America to volunteer. My tutor even taught in Mexico for a long time! We were able to communicate through Spanish.
I don’t think Nomi is an uninteresting town in the country. In fact, I love the views of Nomi! This is one of the places where I feel like I’m breathing in clean air. I leave early in the morning so I can get a chance to talk to my coworkers and look at Mt. Hakusan. I appreciate being in Nomi because there are so many trails.
Everytime I go hiking, I always look forward to hearing the bear bells others would wear. Though, I hope I never see a bear! In the mountains, it smells like pine and in Nomi it smells like barley. After I return, I look forward to smelling these scents and always thinking back on Nomi fondly.




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