
ALTクリスティの英語であれこれ 第2回



■First Summer Festival in Japan
Ready for the sparkle? I’ve seen a lot of fireworks displays in my entire life. But I wasn’t expecting how magical it would be to witness fireworks display here in Japan.
Unexpectedly, my friends decided to take part in Iwaki’s Summer Festival. I wasn’t prepared for how crowded it was, that it was so hard to find a parking space. It reminds me of the famous Sinulog Festival in Cebu, which is held on the third Sunday of January.
Back to my story, as I watched the fireworks, it was really magnificent that I can’t take my eyes out of it and I realized that I am really in Japan. I became quite emotional, my eyes welled up with tears, and I was completely overwhelmed. If you can image how awkward it was for me to cry. It’s difficult to put into words how stunning the fireworks were. But bear with me as I try. Some here, some there, various sizes and hues, all bright and lovely. The sky then lit up. It was grand and joyful celebration that brought up a flood of emotion within me. Even though I was filled with emotion, I continued to take pictures. I didn’t get to wear Yukata that day because I didn’t know where to get it. However, seeing so many gorgeous women dressed in Yukata, I was blown away by the variety of colors and hairstyles. There were a lot of food stalls, and I could tell how joyful everyone was. They also had picnics, which were incredibly cute and wonderful.
Today, we all return to our usual routines. Summer vacation has come to an end! Please see my fireworks pictures. What about you? Please do not hesitate to show me your fireworks pictures if we meet in person. I’d love to see it. That’s all! I can’t wait for the fall season! Please keep this in mind at all times. “Live life to the fullest and shine brighter every day!”



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