
アンニックが見た昭和村 #28



外国語指導助手 アンニック先生

Hello residents of Showa Mura,
This month my parents are travelling to Japan to visit.
It has nearly been three years since I have seen them, I am excited to show them Japan. Let me tell you about my family this month.
My father was born in the north of France and moved to South Africa when he was young.
His name is Yannick, I was named after him. For his job he helps farmers grow corn in New Zealand. He likes history and sailing. He is very curious about rice planting and growing Gypsophila.
My mother was born in South Africa. Her name is Hannelise. She is a programmer and enjoys studying languages. She is currently learning Japanese. She likes animals and crochet. She is very interested in Showa’s history with weaving and would love to visit the craft museum.
I have one older brother called Izold. He is very tall and very kind. He likes working with cars and enjoys heavy metal music.
My parents are excited to see Showa, they love hearing stories about living here. My parents love the countryside and are curious about rural Japan.
We speak several languages in my family including French, Afrikaans, English, and two languages from Africa.
My parents will be in Japan until the 10th of May. Please say hello if you see them!
Let’s convince my father to learn Japanese!
Until next time.


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