
アンニックが見た昭和村 #29



外国語指導助手 アンニック先生

Hello residents of Showa Mura,
I’m excited that Spring is here! I enjoy seeing the beautiful flowers and hearing the frogs in the rice fields during the night.
My parents are back in New Zealand now and I thought I’d share their thoughts on visiting Japan.
At first my parents were very shocked to see how big fruit and vegetables were. My mom loves strawberries and said that the strawberries in Japan are so delicious. She has been studying Japanese so she enjoyed being able to read hiragana characters.
My dad preferred the countryside and really wanted to see a katana forge. Unfortunately, we couldn’t see one while he was here. I took my parents to Ouchijuku and they loved it, my dad asked where he could buy a carp banner because he wanted to put it outside his house.
My parents really enjoyed visiting the Elementary and Junior high school. They were excited to talk to everyone and were impressed by everyone’s English skills.
After a week my father learnt how to say ‘Arigatou Gozaimasu’ and was using it often which made me happy. We also visited Lake Inawashiro, Tono Hetsuri, Tsuruga Jo Castle and Sazaedo Temple.
My parents love seafood, so they enjoyed conveyor belt sushi a lot.
Thank you so much for welcoming my parents and making their trip so enjoyable. My parents had a wonderful time in Japan and told me every day that they want to live in Showa. They said they would love to become ramie or gypsophila farmers and live in Showa permanently.
Its interesting to see the aspects of Japanese culture they enjoyed the most.
Before they left, my parents considered ordering a Japanese toilet seat and trying to fit the box in the suitcase. Perhaps they should order it online?
Until next time.


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