
アレクサンドラ先生の小噺(Alexandra Short Story) #11



■Happy hour(ハッピーアワー)
外国語指導助手 アレクサンドラ先生

Dear Showa Village, I would like to tell you about the drinking culture in Canada. I haven’t been in Japan long enough to be able to compare or tell the differences between the two cultures but there are certainly things that I have observed, and I will share then with you in another article.
In Canada there’s a concept called:“Happy hour”. For English speakers in Canada, it is called “Happy hour” but for French Canadians it is called “cinq (5v) à sept (7)” which translate to “5 pm to 7 pm” in English. To explain this term, you must know that most companies in Canada have a work schedule from 8 or 9am to 5 pm. That time is usually respected by companies and there are very strict rules regarding employees working overtime. This means that most employees in Canada finish at 5pm. Happy hour provides the perfect opportunity to unwind with friends and co-workers over discount pints and half priced nachos.
Happy hour is designated to to last from 5pm to 7 pm. It also happens that during that period of time drinks are sold at reduced prices in a bar or other licensed establishment. Usually, people only stay from 5 pm to 7 pm. Some people stay longer but is usually a much smaller group.
This tradition occurs more often during the summer when the weather is nicer, and people are in better spirits. It usually happens a Thursday or Friday. I’ve been to a few happy hours in Canada and it’s always fun. Here is a picture with my colleagues at the company I worked for before coming to Japan. Until next time!

カナダには「ハッピーアワー」という言葉があります。カナダの英語圏では「ハッピーアワー」と呼ばれますが、フランス語圏では「cinq(5v)à sept(7)」と呼ばれ、英語で「午後5時から午後7時」と訳されます。この言葉を説明するには、カナダのほとんどの企業の勤務時間が午前8時または9時から午後5時までであることを知っておく必要があります。通常、企業はその時間を尊重し、従業員の残業に関してはとても厳しい規則があります。つまり、カナダではほとんどの従業員が午後5時に終業するのです。ハッピーアワーは、友人や同僚と、格安のパイント(大きなグラスに入ったビール)や半額のナチョスを食べながらくつろぐ絶好の機会です。



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