
みんなのひろば ディエゴの日記 Diego’s diary



September 2023
Hello, it’s Diego!
I’ve tried many things for the first time since coming to Japan. On September 16th, I experienced another first by hiking up a mountain for the first time. The mountain I went to for my first climb is Mt. Chokai. I woke up at 5 am and I arrived at the base of the mountain at 7:30 am to meet with other ALTs living in Akita. The climb ended up being more challenging than I expected. I was able to make it past the lake but I experienced terrible pain on my quadriceps on both legs so I couldn’t make it to the summit. I had to say goodbye to the group I was climbing with and slowly descended down the mountain, managing the pain. My first climb didn’t go as well as I hoped but I learned a lot from it. In fact, this failure is only making me want to do my next climb sooner. The fog on the mountain was also thick so I really have to go back. I’ll get my revenge someday, Mt. Chokai!



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