
コナーのコーナーNo.10 英会話教室始めます



今別町ALT ブルーマー・コナー

Hello everyone! This is your ALT Conner!

Last month was very exciting for me. My parents visited Imabetsu again! Together, we traveled to Hokkaido and Kyoto for the first time. Also, I succeeded in the goal I wrote about in June’s article. I ended up doing 3 pull-ups by the end of May. My new goal is to do 5 pull-ups by the end of June; please wish me luck!
先月は私にとって、とても刺激的な月でした。両親がまた今別を訪れました!初めて3人で北海道と京都へ旅行しました。また、6月の記事で書いた目標も達成できました。 結局、5月末までに懸垂が3回できるようになりました。私の新しい目標は、6月末までに懸垂を5回行うことです。幸運を祈っていてください!

This month, I wanted to tell you all about an exciting announcement. I will be working together with the Imabetsu Town Community Center to host an English Conversation class. Imabetsu had an English Conversation class in the past, but a few years have passed since the last meetup. This will be my first time hosting a public class, so I hope to do a good job.

It is very rare to meet native English speakers in Imabetsu, so I think it is difficult to practice speaking English and listening to English. I think this is especially true for students, as the English that we learn in school is very formal,which can be very difficult. I think that if people only experience difficult English, then it might be hard to be interested in English outside of school.

I want to host fun activities that show how interesting and dynamic English can be. I am thinking of unique ways to learn English, such as games, books, movies, karaoke, cooking, and more. I think that if people in Imabetsu have more opportunities to use English in relaxing environments, then English can be more interesting.

We will host our first meeting this month at the Imabetsu Community Center room; please look out for a schedule. I hope to see you there!


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