
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’ s Panel」



Kamusta! The Sports Day is now over. Did you enjoy it? It was a very good event to show the physical wellness of students. My topic for this month will be somewhat related to Sports Day. Lately, Naoya Inoue has been talked about by man y due to his incredible boxing abilities. But boxing isn’t that popular here in Japan. And that will be my topic for this month. In the Philippines, boxing is one of its most popular sports, together with basketball. The reasons are because of Pancho Villa, the first Asian champion back on June 18, 1923, and Manny Pacquiao, one of the best boxers in the world. Before the arrival of the Americans and Spaniards, the Philippines had its own version of boxing, known as suntukan, or “bare-hand fighting,” in Tagalog. Suntukan is thought to have evolved from a Filipino knife fighting technique known as “kali”. Since fighting and martial arts were outlawed during the Spanish colonization, they were forced underground, where the absence of knives and rattan sticks encouraged fist fighting. When I was in high school, boxing was one of the training programs students had in C.A.T. We had sparring matches once or twice a week. It was mandatory in my country as there was a chance that you or someone could be attacked outside. Boxing was taught not to bring violence in to the streets but was taught to protect yourself and others. It was also a great exercise for me.




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