
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’s Panel」9



■Holy Week in the Philippines
Kamusta! I hope everyone had a great time enjoying the cherry b lossoms because it’ s the start of a new school year! New teachers, new friends, new experiences! What do you think about last month’ s topic? The month of April is an important part for us Filipinos as we have the Holy Week. So I’ ll be talking about it for this month. The Philippines is one of the biggest Catholic countries in the world. 70% of t he population in my country are Catholics. The Holy Week is a commemoration of the passion, dea th, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Filipinos have several traditions during this event. The first event is the Ash Wednesday. It is a day where Catholic people don’ t eat meat. They also go to a mass and receive the ash cross on the forehead that is placed by the priest. One of the events af ter Ash Wednesday is the Palm Sunday. Catholic people carry palm fronds and go to the church. A short procession is held and along the entrance are where children dressed as angels sing and throw flower petals. The palm fronds are then taken home as Catholic people believe that these items can ward off evil and protect the house from disasters. The last part of the Holy Week is the Senakulo. Senakulo is a play which narrates the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.




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