
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’ s Panel」



●Transportation System
Kamusta! How was your spring vacation? Did you do anything special? I went to the Philippines last month! I had a lot of fun meeting my friends and family. O ne thing that I noticed in the Philippines was the transportation system. There were so many tricycles and jeepneys around me.
Some of you reading this may not even know what tricycles and j eepneys are. These will be our topic for this month. We’ re going to talk about the transportation system in the Philippines. Let’ s talk about the tricycle first. The tricycle is an iconic symbol of the Philippine transportation. It has been a dependable mode of transportation for many generations. The design of this vehicle is unique as it can carry eight people, including the rider. It’ s a semi-heavyweight motorcycle with a passenger cab attached to its right side. The space may be smal l for passengers, but the transportation fee is very cheap. It can take you to far places for only 50 yen. The next vehicle I’ d like to talk about is the jeepney. Jeepneys are transportation vehicles that can carry 23 people, including the driver.
It has a large space at the back for the passengers. 10 passengers on each side, and 2 more sitting next to the driver. Like the tricycle, the transportation fee is also cheap. 100 yen can take you to farther places.




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