
ダリンandマギーのALT通信 file.65



This article written by Mr.Darin

Aloha Nakatombetsu!
Did you know that in Hawaii, Japanese culture has a heavy influence on Hawaii local culture? Summer in Hawaii is also known as Obon Season. In summer, from June through September, many people look forward to Hawaii’ s Bon Dance Festivals. There are many Japanese Buddhist Temples on every island and every weekend, each temple hosts their own Bon Dance Festival, with food booths selling local soul food and game corners for children to enjoy – just like a Summer Festival in Japan.
From my childhood, I remember going to the Bon Dance with my grandma and I would follow her dancing as everyone danced in a circle around a yagura with taiko drum and bamboo flute players. In high school, I would go every Saturday and Sunday to the different temples’ Bon Dance Festival with my friends and we would dress up in yukata and happi, and dance for over 2 hours of songs from the different prefectures in Japan.



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