
ダリンandマギーのALT通信 file.66



This article written by Ms. Maggie

Hello Nakaton!
It’s hot out, so I hope everyone is staying cool.
Summer break in America lasts about three months, usually from early June to late August.During this time, students to lots of different activities.

Lots of families take time to go on vacation. It is especially popular to go on vacation in early July, around the 4th of July, since it’s a public holiday in America. Families can take trips to visit other family members that live far away, go on cruises, or just go somewhere they have always wanted to go.

Lots of schools do not give summer homework to students, so they have lots of free time. Many students choose to get a part time job during the summer. Common part time jobs for students are working at grocery stores, fast food restaurants, or working as a clerk in retail shops. When I was a student, I worked in a clothing store called TJ Maxx. Some students chose to make money by working for neighbors doing things like mowing the lawn or helping around gardens.In my homestate, Iowa, lots of students work on corn farms detasseling corn.

If Japan had summer breaks like America, what would you do?

多くの学校は夏休みの宿題を生徒出さないので、自由時間がたくさんあります。多くの学生が夏にアルバイトをします。学生の一般的なアルバイトは食料品店やファーストフード店、小売店で店員として働いています。学生時代、TJ Maxxという衣料品店で働いていました。近所の人達のために芝生を刈ったり、庭の手伝いをしたりしてお金を稼ぐ学生もいます。アイオワ州では、多くの学生がトウモロコシ畑で働いています。


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