
ダリンandマギーのALT通信 file.67



This article written by Mr.Darin

Aloha Nakatombetsu!
On July 27th, 13 junior high school and high school students and I went to Hawaii as part of the English-learning trip sponsored by the town. For most of the students, it was their first time riding a plane – especially their first time out of the country. Although the students were a bit worried and nervous about being in a country, trying to speak English, I told them that they are only junior high and high school students on their first trip abroad to an English-speaking country and they should not need to worry about speaking fluently.
As young English language learners, the first trip to a foreign country is not focusing on speaking as much English as possible, but on training their ears to listen to real, native English – pronunciation, as well as the natural flow of conversation. The key to international communication is not speaking in grammatically correct sentences, but to convey what one wants to say, even if only speaking in short phrases and only known vocabulary.
The junior high school third-year students had been trained and taught under my English teaching since they were in kindergarten at the Kodomoen. Taking these students to Hawaii and witnessing their interactions with local people in Hawaii, was not only a dream, but now a dream come true. I was proud and happy to see my students trying their best to communicate in English. I was also surprised that many of them where able to understand what people were saying. I want to congratulate them all for doing their best, all while enjoying the paradise of Hawaii. This English-learning trip is a huge step forward into internationalization of the future of Nakatombetsu. I hope this experience can continue for as long as possible.



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