



Hello Everyone!
I hope you have all been well during this wonderful fall season! I absolutely love fall! The leaves are beautiful and there’s lots of freshly harvested food. It’s the perfect time for me to start baking a lot of diff erent desserts. It’s also fi nally cool enough for me to make soups at home. I’ve noticed that most Japanese meals have soup, even in the middle of summer. I love soup, but it heats up my house too much to make soup when it’s hot, so I don’t usually make it unless it’s cool outside. In the summer time I usually eat more cold foods.
In order to fully enjoy all of the fall leaves, I hiked both Asahidake and Kurodake during October. I went at the perfect time to see all of the colorful leaves. It was absolutely beautiful,but now I plan to rest for a while since my legs have moved more during these hikes.
This year, I am defi nitely prepared for Hokkaido’s winter! The temperature is very similar to winter at my home in New York. But the amount of snow is a lot more here. I’m excited to see it again this year! I hope you all stay warm this winter!



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