



Hello Everyone!
Recently, I have been enjoying exploring Hokkaido and seeing all of the beautiful nature. In the past month, I have climbed Mt. Asahidake, as well as Mt. Kurodake, which was very exciting. I had never climbed a mountain before, but even though it was diffi cult, I loved the view from the top. I even saw Aibetsu from the top of Mt. Kurodake!
I think Hokkaido is especially beautiful now that the fall leaves are changing colors. In Los Angeles, the leaves do not turn red, orange or yellow. They are green until January, and then they just turn brown and fall off, so winter is not very pretty, and it is defi nitely not cold! In all of the places I have lived, I have only seen snow fi ve or six times, and it is never enough to even cover.
Hokkaido is very different from Los Angeles, but I have loved seeing the seasons change so beautifully, and I am excited to try winter sports when it gets snowy. I would like to learn how to ski and snowboard. Even though the winter is a little scary, your warmth and kindness have helped me feel at home here, and I am excited to see what this next season brings.



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