



Hello Everyone!
I hope you are all doing well! July marks my first full year living in Japan! I arrived in Aibetsu on July 28th, 2022. I have greatly enjoyed this past year. I have met so many wonderful people here and I’ve gone to so many wonderful places! I think my favorite thing that I’ve experienced so far are the diff erent Ice festivals. I can’t wait to discover even more during my second year!
I am very excited to see all that Hokkaido has to off er in the summertime. I am especially looking forward to visiting the different lavender fields in the area. I’ve seen so many beautiful pictures and I can’t wait to see them myself! I also hope to hike more over the summer so that I can enjoy all of the local nature. I hope that I can fi nd some time this summer to visit the beach. I love going to the beach and I would occasionally go there during my summer vacations when I was a child. My house in America was not close to the beach, so my family would have to drive at least 4 or 5 hours to get to a beach for vacation.
This month, my family will be visiting me and I will be traveling a bit around the main Island of Japan with them. I’m so happy that I can share this wonderful country with them!
I hope you all have a wonderful summertime!



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