
HELLO! Jessica(ジェシカです!)



Hello everyone, and happy October! Fall is one of my favorite seasons, I can see the colorful natureat a comfortable temperature. In America, we often drink traditional drinks such as apple cider andvisit farms to play in corn mazes. Visiting farms to pick out pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns and evenapple picking is also very popular, and many people go with their families and friends.
So, now that we are entering fall and leaving summer behind, I can look back and enjoy the many funmemories from this summer. My family came to visit from America, and they had so much fun gettingto see Hokkaido and Aibetsu. We visited places like Shiretoko park, where we saw a bear, where wesaw a Fighters game at Es Con fi eld. We also traveled to Kyoto and Tokyo on the mainland. However, my family liked Hokkaidothe best! They were also able to tour Aibetsu Junior High School and play some baseball with the baseball team, come to oureikaiwa class, get dinner with my father’s childhood friend in Sapporo, and visit my kyudo dojo. I was very happy to see themand to show them Hokkaido and our wonderful town!
If you see me around town, as always, feel free to say hello! I would love to hear about your favorite summer memories, andwhat you are excited about for this fall!



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