
HELLO! Amy (エイミーです!)



Hello Everyone! How have you all been doing?
I hope everyone has been enjoying the Summertime warmth.
This summer I am very excited totravel around Japan just like I did last year. This year I plan to go to Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka again.This time, my sister and one of my friends from college will be traveling with me. I will also be visitingTokyo Disney for the fi rst time. I’ve never been to any of the Disney parks, so I’m very excited tofi nally be visiting it this year. I’m a bit worried about the heat and humidity, but I can’t wait to exploremore of the main island of Japan!
I also really want to visit the beach this summer. Hopefully I willhave a chance to visit some of the beaches around Japan whileI am traveling this summer. I absolutely love going to the beach!When I was a child, my family would go to the beach every summerfor a week-long vacation. I love swimming in the ocean and fi ndingseashells on the beach. I haven’t been to a beach in Japan yet, but Idefi nitely plan to go soon!
I hope you all have a wonderful summertime!



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