
HELLO! Amy (エイミーです!)



Hello Everyone!
I hope you have all been enjoying this winter! Last month was fi lled with different snowfestivals. My favorite snow festival has been the Ice Fall Festival in Sounkyo! I’ve gone therethree years in a row, and I still fi nd all of the ice formations amazing. I absolutely love walkingthrough the different cave-like buildings made from ice. I was also able to see the Monbetsu drift ice festival this year! This month I am also planning to go on a drift ice walking tour. I’m so excited that I have been able to see so many amazing things this winter!

Soon it will be spring with lots of different fl owers and plants growing. This year I reallywant to see the shibazakura fi elds.
Before coming to Japan, I had never even heard ofshibazakura, but now it’s one of my favorite springtime fl owers. I always enjoy the Hokkaido winter, but I always miss spring in March.But I still hope to enjoy this winter as much as I can since this will be my last winter living in Aibetsu.I hope you all have a wonderful March!



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