
冬の地震に備える Preparing for winter earthquakes(4)



【地震が発生した時は(When an earthquake occurs)】

■在宅避難(Shelter at home)
If there is no danger around you and you have sufficient supplies and cold weather gear, you can “evacuate” at home. Compared to staying in an evacuation shelter, this will reduce the risk of contracting infectious diseases and also reduce the stress caused by communal living in an unfamiliar environment. However, it is important to be prepared to be able to evacuate to a shelter quickly in the event of aftershocks or fires.

Winter Tips:Prepare for electricity and gas outages

▽防寒用品の準備(Prepare cold weather gear)
To survive the cold even when your electricity and gas supply are cut off, it is important to have cold weather gear and hot meals prepared. In addition to general supplies, you should also prepare the following items.
* If your stockpiles are insufficient, further supplies may be provided at evacuation shelter.

・電源不要のポータブルストーブ(Portable heater that does not require power)
・カセットこんろ・ガスボンベ(Portable gas stove and gas cylinder)
・レトルト食品や即席麺(Ready-made foods and instant noodles)
・湯たんぽ(Hot water bottle)
・使い捨てカイロ(Disposable hand warmers)
・タイツや腹巻きなどの肌着(Base layers such as tights and belly warmers)
・ウールなどの保温性がある素材の靴下や手袋(Socks and gloves made of warm materials such as wool)
・ニットの帽子(Knitted cap)
・防寒着(Winter clothing)
・毛布やアルミ製保温シート(Blanket and aluminum heat retention sheet)

(When you run out of cold weather gear, you can use everyday items.)
Reference: Metropolitan Police Department Disaster Prevention Division website

〔新聞紙 Newspapers〕
Use instead of a lap blanket.
Roll them up and put them in a plastic bag, then put your feet inside.

〔段ボール Cardboard〕
Use it to sit or sleep on.

〔ペットボトル Plastic bottle〕
Fill it with hot water (about 50℃ ) and use it as a hot water bottle.

詳細(Details):危機管理課(Emergency Management Section)


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