



《To foreign residents》
Sapporo Community Interpreters

The International Communication Plaza dispatch interpreters free of charge to assist with procedures at the Health Center, etc. For details, please check the website from the code below or call.

詳細 :国際プラザ
Details:International Communication Plaza

《To foreign residents》
SAPPORO HELP DESK for Foreign Residents

The International Communication Plaza provides information on child-rearing, necessary procedures for daily life, etc. for foreign residents on their website. Consultation in person, by phone, via email, etc. is also available.

相談窓口:中央区北1西3 札幌MNビル内
Consultation counter:Kita 1-jo Nishi 3-chome Chuo-ku, inside Sapporo MN Building
【電話】 011-211-3678【E-mail】soudan@plaza-sapporo.or.jp
Consultation hours:Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 5pm,excluding holidays and December 29th to January 3rd. Wednesdays until 7pm.

For more information

▽子育てガイド Childcare Guide
This booklet introduces a list of consultation counters, childcare facilities, outing spots, etc.

配布場所 :区役所(本紙1ページ)、各区ちあふる、ホームページなど。ホームページでは英語でも見られます
Distribution location:Ward offices (see page 1 for info),Cheerful in each ward, website, etc. You can also view it in English on the website.

▽子育て情報サイト Childcare Information Website
We regularly update information on various courses,grants, events that parents and children can participate in together, and more.

There are many places in the city where you can get advice on any worries or concerns you may have about raising children. We will continue to provide seamless support from pregnancy to child-rearing so that everyone can give birth and raise children with peace of mind.


〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2丁目9番11号 オリックス赤坂2丁目ビル

市区町村の広報紙をネットやスマホで マイ広報紙