





■5th of the 5th month
Are you thinking that it’s a little late for a May 5 article? Not at all! In fact, I would say that I am early. May 5 is Children’s Day in Japan, but in Chinese culture, the 5th of the 5th month of the lunar calendar is June 22 this year. The 5th of the 5th month of the lunar calendar is the day to commemorate a certain great man from ancient China. Rice dumplings and dragon boat competitions make up part of the celebration.
I first found out that Japan also holds dragon boat competitions when I was studying at a university in Kansai. My class went on a 2 hour excursion to Aioi City in southwest Hyogo Prefecture to watch the Peron Festival as part of our seminar on culture comparison. The name‘ peron’ comes from the Chinese characters which mean‘ white dragon’, but in Mandarin, we call it ‘long zhou’ which literally translates to‘ dragon boat’ in English. I remember watching the athletes competing in the summer heat and thinking“ how youthful”, and could only laugh at my own lack of athleticism when I noticed that the elderly were also competing.
We researched about the origin of the Peron Festival in Aioi City and it seems like it began as an activity organised by Nagasaki-born employees of a boat building company that moved to Aioi City. It is truly amazing that a simple grassroots event has grown to become the huge annual event it is.


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