
Highlights(ハイライト) 外国語情報コーナー




◆English 英語
◇Exemption from Paying National Pension Premiums
People whose income has decreased due to the Covid-19 pandemic may be exempted or granted a respite from paying the national pension premiums if they apply. For: People who satisfy the following two requirements: (1) Income has decreased since February 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. (2) The estimated amount of income for the period from February 2020 through July 2023is below a specified amount. Applicable period: From 2 years and 1 month prior to your application date up to June,2023. To apply, please bring your ID,Pension Book or Basic Pension Number Notice, and documents which verify the estimated amount of your income,to Hoken-nenkin-ka (1F of City Hall) or Omiya Pension Office. → Hoken-nenkin-ka Tel 775-5137 / Fax 775-9827,Omiya Pension Office Tel 652-3399

The My-Number counter will be temporarily open on Sundays. When: Sundays,July 30, August 27 and September 108:30 a.m.~11:30 a.m. → Shimin-ka Tel782-9922 / Fax 775-9827

◇Ageo Summer Festival
The annual summer festival will be held on July 15 (Sat) and 16 (Sun). On Day 2,portable shrines as well as floats will all gather around Ageo Station toward evening.

◇For more information
Please contact Shimin-kyodo-suishin-ka(in English or Japanese) at 775-4597(Fax 775-0007) or “Hello Corner”(counseling service for non-Japanese residents in English) held on the 1st, 2nd,3rd, and 5th Mondays, as well as the 4thSaturday of every month, 9:00 a.m.~noon. Hello Corner publishes a monthly newsletter called “Hello Corner News”to inform non-Japanese residents o fevents in Ageo and tips on living in the city. It is posted on Ageo City website.


〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2丁目9番11号 オリックス赤坂2丁目ビル

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