
Highlights(ハイライト) 外国語情報コーナー




今月は「外国人市民のための相談(ハローコーナー)開催日を変更」(4ページ参照)と「特定健診(国保加入者)・後期高齢者健診・人間ドック補助」(6ページ参照)と「令和6年度 各種検診・健康診査」(28ページ参照)です。

◇Change in Hello Corner Days
Hello Corner days of operation will change to every Monday (excluding national holidays).For details: please visit the city website (https://www.city.ageo.lg.jp/page/4-hc.html), see Hello Corner News, or see the “Counseling Services in May” article on page 30. → Shimin-kyodo-suishin-ka Tel 775-4597 / Fax 775-0007

◇Specific Medical Checkups and Complete Medical Checkups
People who are between the ages of 40 and 74 and have National Health Insurance are eligible for specific medical checkups. Vouchers for the checkups will be sent out to eligible residents. After receiving the voucher, please contact one of the designated medical institutions in advance to have the checkups. The checkups will be provided at no cost from May through October. Residents who are between the ages of 35 and 74 at the time of having checkups and who have duly paid national health insurance premiums are eligible
for complete medical checkups. Ageo City will subsidize 20,000 yen of total checkup costs(If the cost is 20,000 yen or less, the whole amount will be paid). As for how to apply for the subsidy and the checkup period, please see the brochure that will be sent together with the voucher for the specific medical checkups or visit the city website. → Hoken-nenkin-ka Tel 782-6494 / Fax 775-9827

◇Single Medical Checkups
Vouchers for single medical checkups will be sent out to eligible residents at the end of April. Individual examinations will be given from May through November (with gastroscopy being given from May through January 2025). Group examinations will be given from May through December. Applications will be accepted from April 1 (Mon). The applications for group examinations will be closed as soon as the number of applicants reaches the capacity for each examination day. For the the schedule, please refer to the “Ageo City Health Calendar” or visit the city website. → Nishi Hoken Center Tel 774-1411 / Fax 776-7355

◇For more information
Please contact Shimin-kyodo-suishin-ka (in English or Japanese) at 775-4597 (FAX 775-0007) or “Hello Corner” (counseling service for non-Japanese residents in English) held on every Monday (excluding national holidays and days that the City Hall is closed), 9:00 a.m. ~ noon. Hello Corner publishes a monthly newsletter called “Hello Corner
News” to inform non-Japanese residents of events in Ageo and tips on living in the city. It is posted on Ageo City website.


〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2丁目9番11号 オリックス赤坂2丁目ビル

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