
Highlights(ハイライツ) 外国語情報コーナー





Renewal of the National Health Insurance Card
The National Health Insurance Card will be renewed on August 1 (Thu). The new card (color: pink) will be sent out from the last part of June.→ Hoken-nenkin-ka Tel. 782-6471 / Fax 775-9827
Garbage Collection Calendar
The new “Ageo City Garbage Collection Calendar” (July 1, 2024~ June 30, 2025) will be distributed by the end of June. Please follow the rules and put out your garbage according to the schedule shown on the calendar. You are also to use the App for garbage separation called “さんあーる(R)” on which you can look up how to separate garbage.→ Nishikaizuka Kankyo Center Tel. 781-9141 / Fax 781-9166
Job Interviews for Young People
When: June 17 (Mon) 1:15 ~ 4:00 p.m. (Registration from 12:45 p.m.). Where: Omiya Sonic City (Saitama-shi Omiya- ku Sakuragi-cho 1-7-5). Details: Recruitment staff of companies will interview potential candidates and provide an explanation of their companies. *For more information, please visit the Saitama Labor Bureau’s website. For: Those who graduated from high school and/ or college roughly 3 years ago and those aged 34 or younger. What to bring: Applicant’s resume (two or more copies) and Hello Work registration card (if you have one).→ Shoukou-ka Tel. 777-4441/ Fax 775-5024 Hello Work Plaza Omiya Tel. 658-1145 / Fax 658-1149
For more information
Please contact Shimin-kyodo-suishin-ka (in English or Japanese) at 775-4597 (FAX 775-0007) or “Hello Corner” (counseling service for non-Japanese residents in English) held on every Monday (excluding national holidays and days that the City Hall is closed), 9:00 a.m. ̃ noon. Hello Corner publishes a monthly newsletter called “Hello Corner News” to inform non-Japanese residents of events in Ageo and tips on living in the city. It is posted on Ageo City website.


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