



■Hello everyone in Shichikashuku!
We all made it through summer! Yay! I have heard that during September it is still hot, which in Canada is already around 20 to15 celsius where I came from. I am really looking forward to cooler weather as winter approaches.
I have done a few things with in the Shichikashuku area. The Waraji walk was a fun experience as I went with the elementary school. Those kids were strong and I hope everyone enjoyed the walk! I was stunned by a lot of the beautiful rivers and locations around the walk, including the waterfall. I would not have seen such beauty if I was not invited out to it, so thank you for inviting me.
I also went to the Himatsuri or fire festival and that was a splendid time. I got to see many of the students. If you saw me you know who you are, I enjoyed watching the burning of the bonfire, as well as the fireworks. I made sure to stay there till the end. It was a warm and cozy event like camping to a degree so it made me feel like home.
Halloween is just around the corner, “Monster Mash” by Bobby Pickett. It’s not hard to remember, so please listen to it

みんなで夏を乗り切りました! わーい!9月になってもまだ暑いと聞いていますが、私の出身地であるカナダではすでに20度から15度くらいだと聞きました。これから冬が近づいて涼しくなるのがとても楽しみです。
ハロウィンが近づいてきたのでボビー・ピケットの「Monster Mash」を紹介して終わりにします。覚えるのは難しくないので、ぜひ聴いてみてください。


〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2丁目9番11号 オリックス赤坂2丁目ビル

市区町村の広報紙をネットやスマホで マイ広報紙