



Hello everyone!
I hope you have been enjoying the cooler weather as I have. It is nice to be able to walkaround and not melt in the heat.
As I have been at the nursery school for awhile I feel like I have gotten the hang of it. There I am more like a big brother than a teacher as I end up playing with the kids and chasing them around the hall, often they like to “attack” me with pretend guns and swords due to my reaction to being hit. I feel like a weekly raid boss for them to defeat. I am mixing English into the language for items that they give to me, as well as what I bring in. Recently I explained the difference between a crow and a raven using a crocheted crow I received as a present from a friend back in canada. I have a class with the older students where I teach them English games and words in English. Some games include “duck duck goose”, and “what time is it Mr. wolf” .
Finally, I will share the picture however is the time I spent at the Oni-Kojuro Festival. It was a great time watching the reenactment.



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