



■Hello everyone!
I am writing this during Golden week, which was a wonderful time! I have done a bit of traveling myself, such as going to Sendai, Manzo Inari Shrine, and a lake near Fukushima where I played a guitar for sometime, as It was a beautiful day. I also went to a festival in Shiroishi and watched fighter firefighters doing ladder stunts, samurai fire the matchlock rifles, and saw Amane-chan at a rock climbing gym. I hope you enjoyed the festival too!
I believe I have mostly adjusted to Shichikashuku and Japan in general, though I’m not used to the humidity. I appreciate the support the community, teachers, staff and students have given me so far, and I look forward to working with y’all for the time  I am here. Hope we can learn some songs together at the schools. I’m currently learning Bridge of Glory by Yuzu, and for those curious it’s chords are C G Fm Am Em.
Lastly, this is a photo of a place that was recommend to me by a friend, it’s called the Pierce shop and Bar REBEL, they have some interesting food and lots of reptiles that you can pet and hold, like lizards snakes and turtles, I would recommend it to those curious as its even kid friendly! The Snake’s name is Hanako. She seemed to like me a lot.




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